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What is encapsulation?
  • A non-resoiling shampoo (crystallizer dry down) OR encapsulating cleaning surfactant (brittle dry down) is fortified with non-resoiling polymers to create a low-moisture carpet cleaning solution. Some solutions contain additional ingredients for improved cleaning.
  • The encapsulating surfactant encapsulates soils dislodged from the carpet surface and holds them in suspension for removal by subsequent vacuuming.
  • The cleaning and soil-removing power of the encapsulation cleaner is intensified by very aggressive agitation – counter rotating cylindrical brush machine (e.g; Host Liberator, Whittaker, Procaps, Brush Pro, EnviroDri); or oscillating agitator with pad (Trinity, Hruby), triple planetary rotary brush (Cimex); orbital agitator with pad, rotary shampoo brush, or bonnet pad. Most encapsulation cleaning is done by cylindrical brush or This agitation helps separate ground in soils from the carpet and makes the carpet look much better.
  • Carpet mills and many carpet cleaners generally see encapsulation as the best way to clean as fast as bonnet cleaning. Most believe it provides superior appearance improvement results without the residue issues with many bonnet cleaners that lead to rapid re-soiling.
 The process… 
  • It is relatively simple and easy to do. Spray down your encapsulation cleaner on the carpet (though usually a battery or electric sprayer, pump-up sprayer, or auto spray mechanism on the machine) and moisten the pad (if applicable). You then agitate it into the fibers with the machine and allow the carpet to dry. This should be followed by vacuuming at the next scheduled interval.
  • Cleaning rates for encapsulation are generally in the 1500- 3000 square feet per hour range but can reach as high as 5000 square feet per hour for one technician with the right equipment and set-up.
  • The carpet is dry to the touch often within minutes and “usable” usually within the hour.
  • The polymers left behind by the cleaning process do not allow the carpet to re-soil faster (a common problem with bonnet cleaning), and help the carpet’s appearance by keeping soils from becoming deeply embedded into the carpet They also prevent or reduce the occurrence of spills or soiling wicking to the surface following cleaning.
  • A good rule of thumb in a commercial carpet appearance maintenance program is 3 encapsulation cleanings followed by 1 hot water extraction cleaning with the intervals to be influenced by the type of carpet and soiling conditions is it exposed to.
  • Many carpets look better following encapsulation cleaning than after cleaning with a truckmount, especially neglected commercial low-level loop glue down

Encapsulation cleaning – eliminates wicking and reoccurring spills; triples cleaning productivity rates; extends the carpet life-cycle, greatly reduces area downtime; positive appearance management; and keeps carpet looking its very best with less effort.

 Article by Doyle Bloss – Hydramaster

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