When it comes to owning Truckmounts we hear recurring comments from business owners …

Older Machines:

My current machine is nearly 10 years old, and it seems I’m spending more and more on repairs lately.

Our thoughts…

  • It’s not uncommon to see our customers hang onto machines too long and band-aid their gear over and over again.
  • Untimely repairs mean that the time you planned to be earning money is taken away. Poorly performing machines breed hidden inefficiency, frustration, and can lead to lost customers that can all be avoided.
  • There are many things more expensive than preventative maintenance costs.
  • Preventing one lost customer could be the equivalent of your machine payment for the month. Downtime costs money, which makes it worth considering a new machine with a full factory warranty, especially when you know the machine seller has the depth of experience to back up the sale. 

Business Growth:

My business is growing. I need to add a machine, but I don’t know if I can justify what I spent on my last set up.

Our thoughts…

“I’m growing but cannot justify what I spent last time. I see many setups now reaching nearly $100k.”

  • The good news is you don’t have to spend that. Granted, some work requires big powerful units that can handle long hose runs or dual wand capabilities. We have that if you want it. However, a lot of work is residential or light commercial and multi-family with less than 200’ hose runs. The Titan 325 is PERFECT in that capacity. Plus, it fits in any good used van you can find (we still strongly recommend ¾ ton or greater). You don’t have to have a new $60K van for this set up. We also have good finance options if you want to explore those.

Used Machines:

I need to find a good used machine and reduce the purchase price. Buying new just doesn’t make sense right now.

Our thoughts…

“A good used unit will save me money!”

  • Will it? If you find one that’s not too old in your area that you can thoroughly test before you buy it, then maybe so. However, if purchasing untested, outside your area, paying freight or the expense to go get it, makes it all quite a risk.
  • We have sold many used packages with great success and customers enjoy them, but it’s still used. You have no idea if the maintenance has been neglected in the past and not all faults will be easily spotted so you may be unfortunately discovering the problems over the coming months.

Just Starting:

I’m just getting started. What should I look for in a startup package that will allow me to begin making money right away?

Our thoughts…

“I’m just getting started, I have a strict budget, I’ve been using portables, or I just cannot justify it.”

  • At Cleaning Systems Ltd, we try very hard to match the machine to the needs of the customer.
  • Often, you don’t need the “Big Boy” units that will perform way beyond the needs of the next few years of business. We’d much prefer a package that is affordable and meets their needs now, which will also allow you to keep more capital for operating expenses.
  • Sometimes it is evident that a potential Truckmount buyer is just not ready for that type of machine and we move to the portable machine showroom which will serve them better in the short term.

Budget Limits:

I have a strict budget to put towards this. If I use all my capital to purchase the unit, I have nothing left to put towards operating expense.


I’ve been cleaning with portables for 20 years. Every time I see or hear what my colleagues have spent on their van packages, my chest tightens. I just can’t do it. I’d rather forfeit jobs or refer them to my peers than spend money I don’t have.

Our thoughts…

  • Many carpet cleaners have purchased from us, initially asking questions about the cost of truckmounts and how they struggle to see how they can justify the extra spend. It is sometimes difficult to get across the increased efficiency, improved job outcomes, less stress on the body and employees improved attitudes when we are showcasing a machine.
  • Once purchased, many of those people come back and tell us how much quicker and more efficiently they are now doing the jobs they have done many times in the past. They often remark, “Why didn’t I do this years ago!”.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If you’ve looked into purchasing a new Truckmount sometime in the past couple of years, there’s a chance you’ve had this type of conversation with yourself, or someone else. Many contractors are asking themselves, “Can I afford to do this?”

Maybe, the right question to ask yourself is, “Can I afford NOT to?”