Insecticide Bellows Hand Duster


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A Bellows Hand Duster makes applying insecticide dusts and small granular bait easy and accurate.

Areas for use can include any entry point, hiding place or harborage areas for ants, spiders, scorpions, carpenter ants, German cockroaches, silverfish, or any other household pests.

  • High Quality
  • Good For Killing Wasp Nests
  • Blasts Powder Several Feet
  • The duster comes with a 38cm/15″ lance as standard

A good quality dust applicator for use with wasp killer powder, insect dust and Pro-Active Diatomaceous Earth.
Widely used for dealing with wasps nests and can be effective for use in cluster fly control, you can inject dust under wall cladding and into eaves and ceiling voids.
Good product for any dust application process. Very good for dusting under tiles on roofs and walls to control cluster flies.

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