Glomesh offer a large range of Ultra High Speed Pads for propane, battery and electric machines and speeds from 1100rpm to 3000+ rpm.
With a choice of machines and speeds from 1100rpm to 3000+ rpm added to polishes from soft fully buffable to medium and hard semi-buffable, it has become difficult to choose the right pad considering the many permutations.
Beige: Soft pad for soft to medium finishes.
Coco: Soft pad for soft, very buffable finishes. Natural coco fibre cuts drag, replaces burnt hair odour with coconut fragrance.
Champagne: For medium to harder, less buffable finishes
Jackaroo Lite: Soft pad for soft to medium finishes with natural hair to cut drag, enhance gloss.
Jackeroo: For medium to hard finishes. Natural hair with synthetics reduces drag, enhances gloss.
Buckaroo: For medium to hard finishes. Has hard, aggressive binder and natural hair, less drag, great on less buffable finishes.
Blue Ice: Soft pad for soft to medium finishes removes less finish, gives up to 30% greater gloss.
Coral: Especially designed for Auto Scrubbers – Better than any red or blue pad. The perfect scrub without being over aggressive, has good fluid through-flow for Auto-Scrubbers. Great for UHS Spray Buffing – shine and clean simultaneously – at Ultra High Speed. Also use as a Pre-Burnish pad to remove dirt and black heel marks at Ultra High Speed
All colours available in 16″ 17″ 18″ 19″ 20″ 21″ 22″ 24″ 27″ 28″