Maki Block Unwrapped 7.5 kg


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Active Ingredient: Bromadiolone 2nd generation rodent bait.

Delivered through a unique extrusion process, Maki is both weather-resistant and palatable. Maki Block has been tested in harsh conditions in a dairy factory (15°C, 87% humidity). The hygrometric conditions were steady for the duration of the trial, ie over 3 months. It was observed that at the end of the trial Maki Block was free of any mould or other degradation. On the contrary, the reference product which was tested against Maki showed sign of mould after 36 days and was completely damaged after 3 months.

Maki Block is ideal for use in those jobs that are only serviced on a monthly or even a quarterly basis. It is also well-suited for places presenting harsh weather conditions, be it dampness or hot weather.

Approx 375 blocks in a 7.5kg bucket.


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