Meth Rescue Screening kit – 10 tests included
Applications: Screening for the presence of Methamphetamine by Real Estate Agents, Property Managers, Removal Companies, Property Buyers, Concerned Parents, Building Inspectors.
Advantages of the Meth Rescue property screening tests are:
- Very sensitive
- Users friendly
- No hazardous chemicals
- Quick results (Visual in 1-2 minutes)
- Highly cost-effective in comparison to laboratory screening
- Specificity MMC FNT Tests Vs. GC-GC/MS: Negative: 99.38%, Positive: 97.45%
- No cross contamination as each test is supplied with a separate dropper of buffer solution (stick attached to cap)
- The Meth Rescue Test kits are CE Approved
Contents MethRescue – Screening Kit:
- 10 Screening Forensic Tests for (Meth)Amphetamines
- 10 Special Buffer Solution Dropper
- 10 Cotton Swabs
- 10 Templates
- 01 Instruction Sheet
- Small discrete white cardboard box